Jenny Renaut

Jenny Renaut


Jenny Renaut currently leads the Biotechnologies and Environmental Analytics Platform (BEAP) of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. In 2003, holding a PhD in Biology from the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (BE), she starts working at the CRP – Gabriel Lippmann, setting up a proteomics platform in-house, focused on plants and abiotic stresses. She was chairwoman of the COST action Plant Proteomics in Europe and member of the scientific committee of COST until 2021. In 2012, in response to an increasing demand in metabolites, the proteomics platform has been reorganised to include new offers in metabolomics. In 2015, analytical chemistry was added to the activities of the BEAP while bioprocess and cell cultures completed the activities since 2018. She is one of the founding members of the INPPO and has co-authored 182 research papers and review articles (H-index 42) and supervised the acquisition of a patent portfolio.